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Julian Eggebrecht spricht persönlich: Interview zu Rebel Strike
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->Das Interview mit Julian Eggebrecht
(Wolf) Nach vielen Gerüchten, Spekulationen und Falschmeldungen gibt es nun wieder Informationen aus erster Hand: "Factor 5"-Chef Julian Eggebrecht beantwortete in einem Interview nun viele Detailfragen zum kommenden GameCube-Shooterhit "Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike".

Unsere Kollegen von "Planet GameCube" fühlten Julian Eggebrecht mal so richtig auf den Zahn, der als director des "Star Wars"-Lizenzspiels unmittelbar in die Entwicklung involviert ist.
In der Tat bringt die englischsprachige Frage- und Antwortstunde einige sehr interessante Details und Fakten ans Tageslicht: So erfahren wir, wie eng die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Entwicklungsstudio und "LucasArts" wirklich ist, dass die zusätzlichen "Rogue Leader" nun im Coop-Mode spielbar sein werden und dass sich die Programmierer diesmal um einen deutlichen entspannteren Schwierigkeitsgrad bemühen werden.
Um wirklich alle Informationen zu erhalten, sei der Klick auf den angegebenen Related Link empfohlen; nachfolgend noch ein kurzer Auszug aus dem Interview.

PGC: What graphical effects are being implemented in Rebel Strike that we haven't seen before in Rogue Leader?

JE: We have a much more detailed landscape engine, which was really needed for the ground levels. On top of the pure ground, though, we also came up with a completely new outdoor lighting technique. In very simple terms, we are simulating how light gets bounced around in the atmosphere as it hits dust, the ground, and other bits in the atmosphere. This so-called light scattering gives our outdoor levels a big jump in visual realism. We are using it also for the co-op Rogue Leader levels set in atmospheres and they look so much better. Bespin is quite a stunner and finally looks close to the movie shots. We were never happy with the way Bespin turned out in Rogue Leader. Another landscape detail that did get addressed is the water. In Rogue Leader we used a simple texture, but this time we are simulating water physics and applying these in realtime with complex shaders.
Our indoor-engine also has nifty tricks up its sleeve: We simulate glows in a much more movie-like fashion, and we have quite accurate shadow-casting. One very cool detail is real-time IK (Editor¿s note: Inverse Kinematics are a way to generate character animation.), which enables the main characters to step realistically onto anything on the ground - dead stormtroopers, for example. It just kicks out one more of the annoying non-realistic video game stereotypes of characters not taking steps correctly and other details in the environment.
Finally - of course we think our forest and vegetation engine is quite nice. Endor was the first thing we tackled and everybody was surprised with what we were able to squeeze out of the GameCube.

published 16.06.2003 18:18 Uhr
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